Friday, November 04, 2005


Thanks to the herculean efforts of my friend and fellow HSX'er, Karen, you should now see a snazzy new banner for this blog instead of the ho-hum default that Blogger supplied. Even better, it randomly rotates between images of a peaceful Woo and an angry Woo. Neat, huh? Because my web-design paradigm is "learned helplessness," I have virtually no idea how she did it. But whether by magic or actual mad HTML skillz, the new look is great and sends the unmistakeable message to the net-surfing world that "Hey world, this blog has a randomly-rotating image in the header!"

P.S. This update also provides a shameless opportunity to post a pic of Karen's adorable golden retriever, Angelyne. She (Angel) enjoys long walks on the beach and tearing the stuffing out of squeaking Eeyore dolls. But then, he's Eeyore and who doesn't? It's his lot in life really.

P.P.S. Now that the changes are made, I can get back to real blogging and not just self-indulgent posts like this one.


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